If you’re not sure where to begin with your marketing, start here

With a Marketing Jump-Start, we’ll assess your business or organization, provide a set of priorities, and get you started untangling the mess of possibilities so you can take control of your marketing with confidence.


Marketing Jump-Start is right for you if:

  • You have limited resources and feel overwhelmed by all of the things you have to do - from social media, to emails, events, ads, and lead generation. We’ll help you decide what to stop doing, and where to focus instead.

  • Everything is outdated, from your website to your client base. We can zero in on exactly who you are, who you’re talking to, and how to market yourself in a way that’s fresh and authentic.

  • You don’t want another consulting report collecting dust in your inbox because you don’t know how to implement it. Or a system that gets set up for you with no support. We’ll hold your hand as you implement the first strategic recommendation, and make adjustments along the way to make sure it works for you.


With 20 years of experience marketing everything from political candidates to yogurt, I’ve learned that the secret to authentic marketing that resonates is self-awareness. Marketing Jump-Start was designed to help passionate business and community leaders create sustainable marketing strategies that make sense for exactly who they are.

Here’s how it works:

  • Pre-launch: CONSULTATION - During an initial consultation, we’ll get clear on your goals as a business and a marketer.

  • Weeks 1-2: ASSESSMENT - We’ll talk to key stakeholders, and walk you through a targeted assessment to get to the bottom of your marketing strengths and weaknesses.

  • Week 2: RECOMMENDATIONS - You’ll receive a customized report with prioritized, strategic recommendations to get your strategy under control.

  • Weeks 2-6: SUPPORT - We’ll guide you through setting up the systems you need to tackle your top strategic priority in a way that’s doable and sustainable - and help you to stop doing the things that are getting in your way.

TOTAL COST: $4,000


Ready for your jump-start?

Liza is always positive, always collaborative and an expert in a wide variety of internal and external communication issues. On top of that, she is a creative and out-of-box thinker with a delightful sense of humor and drive for perfection. She’s the person everyone turns to when they are struggling to solve a problem or come up with a new idea.

— Julian Ames Van